Friday, April 22, 2016

The Masking Tape

The masking tape is a adhesive tape make of paper used to stick or fix any light or relatively heavy material, like paper, cardboard or glass.
My first masking tape got when i was seeventeen and it changed my live. I use it for paste images on my bedroom wall, to make any work to the university (mock up, sketch, etc.)
I use masking tape almost every day. Yesterday i needed paste alusa plast on the body of belen, my friend, but it did not adhere, then i stick with masking. I like it cause it is easily removed without leaving any residue.
My life without masking tape would be horrible. It fixes everything, the books, the pencils, including high-tech, like cellphones and computers. It remplaces band-aids, sewinds and patches.

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