Friday, April 29, 2016

This is my favoite movie, The Pillow Book by Peter Greenaway. I like this movie because is strange and peculiar. Greenaway use the trasposition of videos and text boxes over the principal moving picture, as overlies different times in one shot. Besides the art direction and photograhy of the film is beautiful.

The first time i watched this film was in 2008 for a class work, but i've seen it five times. I like author cinema, like the lars von trier movies or Jodorowsky films. The last movie that i saw was Dancer in the Dark by Lars von Trier. I like this cause their plot and actions are very emotional. Other movie that i feel important on my life is Eternal Sunchine of Spotlees Mind, also for their plot, their music and the unexpected changes of spaces and times, as the color and landscapes.

Friday, April 22, 2016

The Masking Tape

The masking tape is a adhesive tape make of paper used to stick or fix any light or relatively heavy material, like paper, cardboard or glass.
My first masking tape got when i was seeventeen and it changed my live. I use it for paste images on my bedroom wall, to make any work to the university (mock up, sketch, etc.)
I use masking tape almost every day. Yesterday i needed paste alusa plast on the body of belen, my friend, but it did not adhere, then i stick with masking. I like it cause it is easily removed without leaving any residue.
My life without masking tape would be horrible. It fixes everything, the books, the pencils, including high-tech, like cellphones and computers. It remplaces band-aids, sewinds and patches.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Studing in the University

When i was childen, i wanted to be a doctor or vet. But then, when i grew up, i felt interested with the theatre, dance and painting.
In the moment to apply to university, i decided enter to acting career, thinking study stage designe also, but this study programme was very unkown  for me.
In acting i learned a lot about the theatrical direction and dramaturgy, but i felt uncomfortable in the acting and voice class. I decided change to stage designe programme. It is more comfortable and entertaining to me. In this time i had know very lovely people and i have work in various projects.
When i'll leave university, i would job in cinema make stop motion or art direction.

Friday, April 8, 2016

My name is José Farías and i'm twenty five years old. I was born on April 18th from 1990 in San Fernando, but i grow up in Rengo. I studied in this town on the Centro Educacional Asunción since 1997 at 2007, before i was studing in Rancagua. Then i enter the Universidad de Chile to study acting, so i had to leave my house. In 2012 i changed career for study stage design at the same university.
My mather live in San Fernando and y father live in Rengo. My mather lives alone and job as security guard. My father lives with my brothers and his wife. My actual family are my sisters, i live with them in an apartment in Pedro de Valdivia.
My favor activities are daw and remake costume. Actually i'm learning tattoo.